I feel the best teachers are themselves perpetual students and as such, I am continually learning and growing from my teaching experiences. Through music I seek to instill a sense of wonder, enjoyment, and fulfillment in every student.
As a studio teacher, I cherish the one-on-one time I have with each student. I work to create a deep understanding and love of playing, focusing on the development of strong practice habits and helping to guide students towards a physically efficient and relaxed playing style. I also instill self-sufficiency through consistent focus on problem-solving skills and self-reflection. Most importantly, I believe each student should develop a strong technical foundation, resulting in a true freedom of expression.
While each student follows a similar progression through a basic technique curriculum, their individual paths will vary. In discovering what each student needs en route to their success, I tailor each lesson to their specific needs and learning style. Every student possesses distinct strengths that I nurture while at the same time pushing them to attain loftier goals.
In addition to instilling a solid technical foundation, I encourage my students to regard themselves as both teaching and performing artists from the start. Together, we select repertoire that is both challenging and inspiring and through this process, each student begins to develop and cultivate their artistic voice.
Music is more than just notes on a page- it is a universal medium that connects humanity. As a teaching artist, I help nuture these connections with my students.
I see them as equal partners in the learning process and expect them to take an active role in their lessons, having done detailed reflection and self-evaluation beforehand, and coming to each lesson with an inquisitive and open mind. I believe a teacher should act as a guide rather than an authority- we are all works in progress, and can both teach and be taught by one another.
Contact me if you are interested in private viola or violin lessons in the Boston, MA area or on-line via Google Meet or Zoom. Lessons are available for beginners through advanced levels at 30 minute, 45 minute, or 1 hour intervals in either English or Spanish. I am also available for masterclasses and seminars.